3.2 /5
Su Prettu Su Prettu Su Prettu is a stunning beach located in Tertenia, Italy. This secluded beach offers crystal clear waters and white sand that contrast with the surrounding rocky coastline. The perfect crescent-shaped bay stretches for over one kilometer along the Mediterranean Sea and offers breathtaking views of both sunrise and sunset. Swimming among its smooth waves is a delight, while walking along its shoreline reveals plenty of seashells to collect. Su Prettu also features great snorkeling spots where you can spot colorful fish swimming around coral reefs. For those looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Su Prettu provides an idyllic location for relaxation and exploration surrounded by nature's beauty.

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  • Sandy
  • Park
Info on Su Prettu
Su Prettu is a stunning beach located in Tertenia, Italy. This secluded beach offers crystal clear waters and white sand that contrast with the surrounding rocky coastline. The perfect crescent-shaped bay stretches for over one kilometer along the Mediterranean Sea and offers breathtaking views of both sunrise and sunset. Swimming among its smooth waves is a delight, while walking along its shoreline reveals plenty of seashells to collect. Su Prettu also features great snorkeling spots where you can spot colorful fish swimming around coral reefs. For those looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Su Prettu provides an idyllic location for relaxation and exploration surrounded by nature's beauty.
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