4.0 /5
Son Bou Son Bou Son Bou is a stunning beach located near Alaior, Spain. It's the longest beach on Menorca, an island off of the east coast of Spain. The white sand stretches for over two kilometers and the clear turquoise waters are perfect for swimming. There are plenty of sun loungers available to rent for those who want to relax in the sun or take a nap in the shade provided by nearby palm trees. Son Bou also offers activities such as snorkeling and kayaking so there’s plenty to do here. For those looking for something more exciting there’s even bungee jumping! There are several restaurants and bars close by offering typical Spanish dishes and drinks, making it easy to grab a bite while enjoying your day at this beautiful location.

they say is very cool

  • Sandy
  • Full Of Service
  • Bar
  • Equipped beach
Info on Son Bou
Son Bou is a stunning beach located near Alaior, Spain. It's the longest beach on Menorca, an island off of the east coast of Spain. The white sand stretches for over two kilometers and the clear turquoise waters are perfect for swimming. There are plenty of sun loungers available to rent for those who want to relax in the sun or take a nap in the shade provided by nearby palm trees. Son Bou also offers activities such as snorkeling and kayaking so there’s plenty to do here. For those looking for something more exciting there’s even bungee jumping! There are several restaurants and bars close by offering typical Spanish dishes and drinks, making it easy to grab a bite while enjoying your day at this beautiful location.
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